Tuesday, November 8, 2016

14 weeks 2 days

For the last several years, I haven't been able to stop thinking about babies. And pregnancy. And having babies. And getting pregnant. So I decided, when it finally happened for me, I would write all about it.

So here it is - my first pregnancy post!!

We are officially in the Second Trimester, and feeling pretty good, actually. According to my nifty little pregnancy app, Baby is the size of a troll doll/house mouse/brilliant beet/mille-feuille (apparently it's some kind of fancy French dessert).

Pregnancy milestones so far: no longer able to suck in the tummy (comfortably, at least - Baby does not like being smooshed); ab workouts during Zumba/Cardio are pretty much a no-go; found out the hard way that Baby does NOT like Thai food (bummer - Mama just found out that she does like Thai food only a few months ago), but loves Chinese (also weird, because Mama really doesn't like Chinese food. Do you know how weird it is to crave something you don't even really like?); and even though Mama has a gigantic sweet tooth, Baby really does not like sugar (except cake - we both still love cake).

There are so many other things I want to share about my first trimester (when I found out, how I found out, what it was like), but right now I'm a little distracted, and a rather exhausted from a trying day at work. So I'm just going to stop here for now.

I am going to make a point to chronicle these crazy adventures at least once a week, even if only for my own enjoyment. So here we go - here is the story of the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me: pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to hear all about it, my dear friend! I've been waitin a long time for this for you! I feel like this sounds weird, but I can't wait for my best friend to experience the best (and, yes, weirdest {still}) thing that ever happened to me :)
