Monday, January 30, 2017

Registry hoopla

*Just as a forewarning, I say the word "nipples" a lot in this post. So let's get the awkwardness out of the way up front: nipples Nipples NIPPLES! I'm going to talk about nipples! Better? Good.

So, let's talk baby registries.

Turns out, they are not fun.

I always thought they would be fun - the idea of picking out all this neat stuff for your baby always looked & sounded like fun. Before I started working on an actual registry, I loved walking through the baby section of stores; looking at all the cute little outfits, daydreaming about how I would design the someday-nursery for my someday-baby. "I like this crib, & that high chair, & this bouncer, & everything is going to match..."

That's all well & good, but what about all the other stuff you haven't been daydreaming about for years? The little stuff. The practical stuff. Let's be real - the boring stuff.

Is your carseat compatible with your stroller? Are you going to use an infant carseat first, then replace it with a convertible carseat by their first birthday, or are you going right into the convertible carseat? Are you going to use a crib right away, or a bassinet? Or maybe a baby box? Or a pack-n-play? Pacifiers (are you going to use a pacifier? for how long? what brand?), wipes (name-brand vs. off-brand? scented vs. unscented? sensitive skin?), lotions, shampoos, diapers (what brand is best? what size should you start with? make sure you have enough - 'cause you'll never have enough - but not too many - because you might end up with too many). Make sure you get them safe & stimulating toys, but don't bother too much with toys because they'll love tupperware & keys & things like that. Oh and a walker. Except not a walker, because those aren't safe anymore, so a bouncer. But you won't be able to put them in the bouncer for at least 4-6 months.

Then there's the wide world of feeding. Bottles (brand? size? how many should you get of each?), & don't forget all the little stuff that goes with the bottles - extra nipples (make sure you get enough with different "flows" for different ages), bottle cleaning & drying accessories, a bottle warmer (do you want one with an automatic timer/shut off? are you just going to use the microwave to reheat bottles? or maybe the old hot water method?). Oh, and are you going to breastfeed, or formula feed? 'Cause you should probably plan for both, just in case. Which of course means you'll need all the bits & pieces for breastfeeding, too (breast pump, portable breast pump, nursing pads, milk storage bags/containers, nipple butter, nipple shields, lotion to put on the breast pump itself to protect your already cracked & bleeding & soon-to-cause-you-all-manner-of-pain-&-suffering-you-can't-even-imagine-yet nipples, nursing pillow, nursing cover...). And you want to put as much stuff as possible on your registry because it increases your chances of not having to pay for all this stuff yourself, but at the same time...can you really picture your friends & relatives (or your husband's friends & relatives) buying you nipple butter? Or little nipple ice packs?

The only way I have been able to navigate this ridiculous realm of registry hoopla has been though the use of a not-so-secret weapon I was introduced to: Lucie's List. Lucie's List is a website that touts itself as a survival guide for new moms (mostly aptly named, in my opinion. Though I'm sure it would be just as invaluable to new dads, grandparents, guardians, etc.). The founder of Lucie's List took pity on those of us who really have no idea where to begin when it comes to baby prep; the site walks you through building a baby registry step by step & category by category. Granted, this also brought to my attention all these annoying little things I hadn't thought of yet, but I would much rather become aware of them now when I have time to prepare than later when there is an angry screaming baby in my arms (trying to latch onto my angry screaming nipples). Even with the wonderful guidance of Lucie's List, however, I have had to walk away from building our registry(s) several times when I get too overwhelmed by all the decisions. Hopefully I'll get them finished before March...

One thing everyone wants to know (& has been wanting to know since we announced we were having a baby - which of course kicked into high-gear when we found out the little guy is a Little Guy) is what will our theme be? What theme are we using for the nursery? What colors are we using? Here's the thing about me - I have never had a decorating theme for anything. Ever. So why break with tradition after 30 years? Plus, we rent, so it's not like we could really rip up the carpets or paint the walls in our spare room even if we wanted to. For those of you still hell-bent on us having a "theme" for Baby Boy, here is what I have been telling everyone: I don't really like bright colors, I don't like monkeys, & I'm not big on sports. I like animals & neutral colors. There - go nuts.

That about does it for our 26 week Baby Blog update. Two more weeks & we will officially be done with the second trimester, & on to the home stretch! Ohhhh what a frightening thought!! :)

Oh, also - NIPPLES!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

New year, new decade!

22 days ago, we officially kicked off the year we will welcome Little One! 5 days after that, I said so long to my 20s & began a new decade :) And today, we hit the 25 week mark! You know what that means? VIABILITY, baby!!

A few developments on Little One - he is a HE! :) I actually found out at our 20 week appointment on December 16th, but decided to surprise Husband with the news over Christmas. I wrapped up a little Harley Davidson onesie along with a handwritten note that said "Merry Christmas, Dad!" And on the inside, "Love, your SON!!" When he pulled out the onesie, he started laughing. Then he saw the card and got this look of shocked realization on his face. As he read the card, he said "Youuuuu shithead..." in a very loving way :) It was great; he was completely taken by surprise!

As of today, Little Man weighs about 1 1/2 lbs, and is the size of a baseball glove. Or a prairie dog. Or a bag of popped popcorn. And he has been moving around, kicking like crazy! But he still won't kick for his dad, which kind of bums me out. I know within a few more weeks, however, he'll be moving my whole belly with his acrobatics :)

Earlier today, Husband asked me if I like being pregnant, and I have to say...I love it!! The whole process is absolutely fascinating to me, and I am in awe of what my body is capable of. Now, all my life I have struggled with my body, how I look, and how I'm shaped. It took 27 years for me to learn to love my body, & even then there were of course days where I just couldn't stand the way my body looked, in or out of clothes. But since getting pregnant, I can honestly say that I have never liked my body more, or felt more comfortable in my own skin. I absolutely love the way I look, swollen feet and all! :)

One thing I do struggle with, however, is the constant attention from strangers. It's very much a double-edge sword for me because I have waited years to be the noticeably pregnant woman walking down the street, or through the store, & have people glance at my protruding baby belly & smile at me. But there are days, or even random moments where it makes me feel overwhelmingly anxious, & I have to resist the urge to go hide in a corner. I know that sounds odd considering I just typed an entire paragraph about how much I love my body right now, but what can I say; pregnancy is weird. Now that I've hit that point in the pregnancy where my belly is more noticeable, people are staring more, & I don't know if it's my own insecurities or some strange, primal, maternal thing that doesn't like people staring at my unborn baby.

I know this all sounds really strange, but I've been trying to make a point to talk about the strange nuances of pregnancy on the off-chance that there is anyone else out there who has or is experiencing similar things. Everyone likes to know they're not the only one :)

That's all for now, but I plan on writing another blog soon talking about my first steps into the wide world of baby registries. Because...yikes. That has been intense.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope January has been as full & prosperous for you & yours has it has been for me & mine :)